姓 名🐷:湯軼偉
性 別🏠:男
《Biosensors & Bioelectronics》《RSC Advances》《現代食品科技》等重要學術期刊審稿專家
2005.9-2008.6 河北農業大學 碩士
2008.9-2011.9 天津科技大學 博士
2011.10-2015.12 渤海大學任講師、副教授
2015.12-2016.12 英屬哥倫比亞大學 (The University of British Columbia) 訪問學者
2017.1-2020.1 渤海大學 副教授
2020.2-今 教授👳🏽♂️,河北農業大學“太行學者”引進人才
(1) 河北省“三三三人才工程”資助項目(No. A202001004)👩🏻🎨,分子印跡上轉換熒光探針檢測動物食品中磺胺類藥物殘留方法研究👨🏿🌾,2020-2023(主持)
(2) 河北省科技支撐重點研發計劃項目(No. 20375501D),動物源食品中促生長藥喹乙醇及其代謝殘留非定向快速篩查檢測技術研究與應用🤜,2020-2023(主持)
(3) 河北農業大學引進人才科研專項(No. YJ201911),食品中潛在危害物新型檢測方法研究,2019-2023(主持)
(4) “十三五”國家質量重點研發計劃“國家質量基礎的共性技術研究與應用”重點專項(No. 2017YFF0211300),特色高值農產品新型甄別檢測關鍵技術研究(子課題),2017.7-2020.12(主持)
(5) 食品營養與安全教育部重點實驗室暨天津市食品營養與安全重點實驗室開放課題(No.2018001),食品中痕量危害因子仿生及生物傳感增效檢測機製研究,2018.06-2019.06(主持)
(6) 國家自然科學基金(No. 31201370),雜交型鹽酸克倫特羅仿生免疫分析與分子識別機理,2013.01-2015.12 (主持)
(7) 遼寧省博士啟動基金計劃項目(No. 20121080),萊克多巴胺仿生免疫快速檢測方法研究🧖🏽,2012.08-2015.08 (主持)
(8) 國家自然科學基金(No. 31201308),藍莓葉多酚對魷魚製品高溫甲醛形成的調控機製,2013.01-2015.12(課題骨幹)
(9) “十二五”國家科技支撐計劃項目(No. 2015BAD17B05),名優水產品品質溯源技術及監管體系研究與示範,2015.4.1-2018.3.31 (課題骨幹)
(10) 遼寧省自然科學基金(No.2017010745-301),適配體/上轉換熒光探針對ENR和SDM兩種抑菌劑高靈敏傳感識別機製💤,2017-2019(課題骨幹)
(1) 湯軼偉,高子媛,高雪,高靜紋,蘭建興🍻,魏立巧,李譯,勵建榮. 克倫特羅分子印跡-上轉換發光材料熒光探針的製備方法,中國發明專利🚃⤴️,授權號:ZL201510144300.1
(2) 湯軼偉🧑🏽✈️,高子媛,勵建榮,閆俊宇,蘭建興↔️,魏立巧⚫️,李譯,高靜紋. 鹽酸克倫特羅仿生免疫柱及其監測方法🤛🏿,中國發明專利,授權號🧔👶🏽:ZL201510029262.5
(3) 湯軼偉,蘭建興,勵建榮🎚,高雪,張德福. 一種分離🧖♂️、凈化萊克多巴胺的磁性印跡聚合物製備方法👩🏼🦳😶🌫️,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL201410214026.6
(4) 湯軼偉,蘭建興,高雪,於誌鵬,劉秀英,勵建榮💆🏻♀️,張德福,呂長鑫. 一種鹽酸克倫特羅分子印跡聚合物仿生抗體的製備方法,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL201410675574.9
(5) 湯軼偉,張宏,劉秀英🧏🏼♀️,高雪,李敏,張雨辰🧎♂️🧑🏼💻,勵建榮. 基於近紅外激發的恩諾沙星熒光探針的製備方法,中國發明專利,授權號🔏:ZL201710202125.6
(6) 湯軼偉⚆,陳金嬡,靳雨婷,任濤濤🤹🏻,李轉英,高雪,劉秀英⛴,勵建榮,呂長鑫. 一種基於聚苯乙烯納米熒光微球探針檢測氯黴素的方法🕛,中國發明專利🤙🏼,申請號:201910151183.X
(7) 劉秀英💯,朱力傑,湯軼偉🙏🏿,勵建榮🙆🏿♀️,高雪✍️,張德福. 一種恩諾沙星適配體/分子印跡雜化型上轉換熒光探針的製備方法💨,中國發明專利👨🏻💻,授權號:ZL201610404506.8
(8) 張德福,勵建榮⛈,張明,劉雪飛,高雪,李春🤶🏿,湯軼偉💐,白鳳翎. 一種檢測水產品中副溶血弧菌的試劑盒及方法,中國發明專利👨🍳,授權號:ZL 201310288261.3
(9) 勵建榮🧑,張德福,張明,付緒磊🫅🏽,湯軼偉,高雪,徐永霞,劉秀英,劉雪飛🕵🏼,趙麗紅,李春. 檢測食品中蠟樣芽孢桿菌的含擴增內標的PCR方法及試劑盒☣️,中國發明專利𓀇💇🏿,授權號:ZL201510267524.1
(10) 張德福,張明,李春⛱👸🏼,勵建榮,劉春梅,趙麗紅🪿,湯軼偉🙇🏽♂️,高雪,劉雪飛🪘,白鳳翎. 一種精確度較高的量筒,中國實用新型專利🥨,授權號🟰:ZL201520857729.0
(11) 張德福,張明📕,李春⭐️,勵建榮,劉春梅🚵🏼♀️,趙麗紅🕐,湯軼偉,高雪,劉雪飛,白鳳翎. 一種多功能燒杯,中國實用新型專利✅,授權號😚🦷:ZL201520857730.3
(12) 張德福,勵建榮,張明,付緒磊,曹愛玲,徐永霞,劉雪飛,湯軼偉👩🔬,高雪,李春. 檢測食品中沙門氏菌的有擴增內標的PCR方法及試劑盒,中國發明專利,申請號🧑🏼🍼:201510014556.0
(13) 張德福,勵建榮,張明🦘,付緒磊🏞,湯軼偉,高雪,徐永霞,李春,趙麗紅. 檢測食品中單核細胞增生李斯特氏菌的PCR方法及試劑盒,中國發明專利,申請號🫴🏽:201510027761.0
(14) 勵建榮,張德福👷🏻♂️,劉雪飛,張明,方亞琴,徐永霞,李婷婷🤠,李春,湯軼偉,高雪,白鳳翎. 一種快速檢測食品中誌賀氏菌的試劑盒,中國發明專利🖥,申請號:201610272893.4
(15) 張德福,勵建榮🚷,張明,方亞琴↖️,李春,湯軼偉,高雪🐘,劉秀英,白鳳翎,趙禹宗. 一種快速檢測乳及乳製品中阪崎克羅諾桿菌的試劑盒🍔,中國發明專利,申請號:201610272895.3
(16) 張德福,勵建榮,張明,方亞琴,李春🤾🏻,湯軼偉🧑🏿,高雪🚊,徐永霞,白鳳翎,付緒磊,趙禹宗. 一種同時檢測單增李斯特菌、蠟樣芽孢桿菌、阪崎克羅諾桿菌和金黃色葡萄球菌的試劑盒,中國發明專利,申請號:201610272863.3
(17) 於誌鵬🕵🏻🛌🏻,趙文竹,密更🥗,湯軼偉,勵建榮. 一種利用海參內源性蛋白酶製備海參肽的方法,中國發明專利,申請號:201410719693.X
(1) 錦州市自然科學學術成果獎💊👔,Advantage of Eu3+-doped polystyrene microspheres compared with colloidal gold used in immunochromatographic assays for the detection of melamine in milk,貳等獎,湯軼偉,張宏,劉秀英🫁,(1/3)🏃🏻♀️➡️,2018-JZXJL185-2
(2) 錦州市科技進步獎,肉品中β-激動劑藥物檢測關鍵技術研發及應用,一等獎👩🏼🎨,湯軼偉🙎🏼♀️、劉秀英、高雪,等(1/11),2017J-1-07-01.
(3) 中國商業聯合會科學技術獎,畜肉中主要違禁藥物檢測技術研發及應用🏌🏿,三等獎,湯軼偉、劉秀英、高雪,等(1/9),2017-3-51-R01.
(4) 中國商業聯合會科學技術獎,大宗海水魚類貯藏加工關鍵技術與裝備的創製及應用✊,特等獎👃🏽,(13/15),2017-T-07-R13.
(5) 遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎,Preconcentration of the antibiotic enrofloxacin using a hollow molecularly imprinted polymer, and its quantitation by HPLC🧚🏼,一等獎,湯軼偉,李敏,高雪🏝,劉秀英(1/4),175501000071252.
(6) 遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎ℹ️,分子印跡上轉換應該探針對克倫特羅的檢測,二等獎🥢,湯軼偉,高子媛,王碩🤶,高雪(1/4),2015-LNL0101.
(7) 錦州市自然科學學術成果獎,Determination of clenbuterol in pork and potable water samples by molecularly imprinted polymer through the use of covalent imprinting method,一等獎,湯軼偉,蘭建興,高雪📫👩🏻🌾,劉秀英(1/4)👩🏼🔧🪝,2017-JZXJL223-1.
(8) 錦州市自然科學學術成果獎,Determination of ractopamine in pork using a magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer as adsorbent followed by HPLC,一等獎,湯軼偉,高靜紋,劉秀英,蘭建興(1/4),2016-JZXJL160-1.
六、近5年代表性論文(* 為通訊作者🥘,#為共同第一作者)
1. Xinming Wang#, Yiwei Tang#, Yongbo Yu, Hao Fu, Hong Zhao, Siqi Zhang, Changxin Lv*, Xuemei Zhang. Microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoids from red raspberry seeds and its anti-fatigue activity. 2020, Submitted.
2. Yu Wenlong#, Tang Yiwei#, Sang Yaxin, Liu Weihua, Wang Shuo, Wang Xianghong*. Molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor based on carboxylated single-walled carbon nanotube-chitosan functional layer for semicarbazide detection. Food Chemistry, 2020, 333: 127524. (SCI, 二區, TOP,IF: 6.306)
3. Meirong Cao#, Qiang Li#, Yan Zhang, Juan Wang, Hongwen Zhai, Junmei Ma, Lei Sun, Xianghong Wan, Yiwei Tang*. Determination of deoxynivalenol and its derivative in corn flour and wheat flour using automated on-line solid-phase extraction combined with LC-MS/MS. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-020-02920-y. (SCI, 四區, IF: 1.657)
4. Zhimeng Cui#, Zhuanying Li#, Yuting Jin, Taotao Ren, Jin’ai Chen, Xianghong Wang, Keli Zhong, Lijun Tang, Yiwei Tang*, Meirong Cao. Novel magnetic fluorescent probe based on carbon quantum dots-doped molecularly imprinted polymer for AHLs signaling molecules sensing in fish juice and milk. Food Chemistry, 2020, 328:127063. (SCI, 二區, TOP,IF: 6.306)
5. Zhuanying Li#, Zhimeng Cui#, Yiwei Tang*, Xiuying Liu, Xuemei Zhang, Bingxiang Liu, Xianghong Wang, Mohamed Shehata Draz*, Xue Gao*. Fluorometric determination of ciprofloxacin using molecularly imprinted polymer and polystyrene microparticles doped with europium (III) (DBM)3Phen. Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186(6), 334-340. (SCI,二區👇🏿,IF: 6.232)
6. Gao Xue, Zhang Bing, Zhang Qiang, Tang Yiwei*, Liu Xiuying, Li Jianrong*. The influence of combination mode on the structure and properties of graphene quantum dot-porphyrin composites. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018, 172: 207-212. (SCI, 二區🌘🤾🏽♂️, IF: 3.997)
7. Yiwei Tang*, Huan Liu, Jingwen Gao, Xiuying Liu, Xue Gao, Xiaonan Lu, Guozhen Fang, Junping Wang, Jianrong Li*. Upconversion particle@Fe3O4@molecularly imprinted polymer with controllable shell thickness as high-performance fluorescent probe for sensing quinolones. Talanta, 2018, 181: 95-103. (SCI☂️,二區🪆,IF: 4.916)
8. Zhong Keli, Zhao Jie, Li Qiuying, Hou Shuhua, Tang Yiwei*, Bian Yangjiang, Tang Lijun*. Synthesis of multifunctional long-wavelength-emitting fluorescent probe based on hydrazine dihydrazone and its copper complex for detection of H2S. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 38, 1786-1791. (SCI, 四區,IF: 1.392)
9. Yiwei Tang*, Min Li, Xue Gao, Xiuying Liu*, Jinwen Gao, Tao Ma, Jianrong Li*. A NIR-responsive up-conversion nanoparticle probe of the NaYF4: Er, Yb type and coated with a molecularly imprinted polymer for fluorometric determination of enrofloxacin. Microchimica Acta. 2017, 184(9): 3469-3475. (SCI,二區👩🏻🚌,IF: 5.705)
10. Yiwei Tang*, Min Li, Ziyuan Gao, Xiuying Liu*, Xue Gao, Tao Ma, Xiaonan Lu*, Jianrong Li. Upconversion nanoparticles caped with molecularly imprinted polymer as fluorescence probe for the determination of ractopamine in water and pork. Food Analytical Methods, 2017, 10(9): 2964-2973. (SCI,二區,IF: 2.245)
11. Yiwei Tang, Yuchen Zhang, Hong Zhang, Xiuying Liu*, Xue Gao, Changxin Lv, Tao Ma, Xiaonan Lu*, Jianrong Li*. Visual flow-through column biomimetic immunoassay using molecularly imprinted polymer as artificial antibody for rapid detection of clenbuterol in water sample. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2017, 28(6): 949-957. (SCI🌱,二區,IF: 2.568)
12. Yiwei Tang*, Jingwen Gao, Xiuying Liu, Xue Gao, Tao Ma*, Xiaonan Lu*, Jianrong Li*. Ultrasensitive detection of clenbuterol by a covalent imprinted polymer as a biomimetic antibody. Food Chemistry, 2017, 228:62-69. (SCI,二區🧔🏻,IF: 4.946)
13. Yiwei Tang, Hong Zhang, Xiuying Liu, Evan Trofimchuk, Shaolong Feng, Tao Ma, Xue Gao, Shubing Fang*, Xiaonan Lu*. Advantage of Eu3+-doped polystyrene microspheres compared with colloidal gold used in immunochromatographic assays for the detection of melamine in milk. Journal of Food Science, 2017, 82(3): 694-697. (SCI,三區🎎,IF: 2.018)
14. Xiuying Liu, Lihong Su, Lijie Zhu, Xue Gao, Yuxin Wang, Fengling Bai, Yiwei Tang*, Jianrong Li*. Hybrid material for enrofloxacin sensing based on aptamer-functionalized magnetic nanoparticle conjugated with upconversion nanoprobes. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 233: 394-401. (SCI🔏,一區😭, IF: 5.667)
15. Xiuying Liu#, Lijie Zhu#, Xue Gao, Yuxin Wang, Haixia Lu, Yiwei Tang*, Jianrong Li*. Magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for spectrophotometric quantification of curcumin in food. Food Chemistry, 2016, 202: 309-315. (SCI,二區,IF: 4.946)
16. Tang Yiwei*, Gao Jingwen, Liu Xiuying, Lan Jianxing, Gao Xue*, Ma Yong, Li Min, Li Jianrong*. Determination of ractopamine in pork using a magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer as adsorbent followed by HPLC. Food Chemistry, 2016, 201: 72-79. (SCI👩🏽🦱,二區🧒🏻,IF: 4.946) (ESI 高被引論文2017年3/4月)
17. Yiwei Tang*, Jianxing Lan, Xue Gao, Xiuying Liu, Defu Zhang, Liqiao Wei, Ziyuan Gao, Jianrong Li*. Determination of clenbuterol in pork and potable water samples by molecularly imprinted polymer through the use of covalent imprinting method. Food Chemistry, 2016, 190: 952-959. (SCI🌁,二區,IF: 4.946)(ESI 高被引論文2017年3/4月)
18. Yiwei Tang, Min Li, Xue Gao, Xiuying Liu*, Yong Ma, Yi Li, Yongxia Xu, Jianrong Li*. Preconcentration of the antibiotic enrofloxacin using a hollow molecularly imprinted polymer, and its quantitation by HPLC. Microchimica Acta, 2016, 183(2): 589-596. (SCI,二區🚐,IF: 5.705)
19. Yiwei Tang, Ziyuan Gao, Shuo Wang, Xue Gao, Jingwen Gao, Yong Ma, Xiuying Liu, Jianrong Li*. Upconversion particles coated with molecularly imprinted polymers as fluorescence probe for detection of clenbuterol. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015, 71: 44-50. (SCI,一區⚧,IF: 8.173)
1. 張德福,勵建榮👨🏼🍳,魯奇林,李軍👨✈️,張明,湯軼偉🧑🍳,於誌鵬☹️,高雪,劉秀英,曲波. 農業社會化服務 第18部分➙:技術轉化. 遼寧省地方標準,DB21/T 2800.18-2017.
1. Mohamed S. Draz, Yiwei Tang, Pengfei Zhang, 2020. Bio-Nanoparticles: Nanoscale Probes for Nanoscale Pathogens (Chapter Twenty). In: 21st Century Nanoscience-A Handbook Bioinspired Systems and Methods (Volume Seven) (Ed. Klaus D. Sattler). Taylor & Francis Group
2. Yiwei Tang*, Hong Zhang, Yuchen Zhang, 2017. Molecularly-Imprinted Polymers-Based Sensing in Food Safety and Quality Analysis. In: Sensing Techniques for Food Safety and Quality Control, PP.164-199 (Ed. X. Lu). Royal Society of Chemistry
3. 桑亞新,湯軼偉*. 河北省食品安全科學技術研究現狀與發展, 2020. 河北食品安全藍皮書-河北食品安全研究報告, PP.177 -193 (主編𓀋:丁錦霞,金洪鈞).
4. 湯軼偉,趙誌磊 主編,《食品儀器分析及實驗》(高等學校教材),ISBN 978-7-5066-8145-2,中國標準出版社(中國質檢出版社)👩🏼🦱,2016年1月第一版;CIP:2015277922
5. 參編教材1部《食品安全檢測技術》(普通高等教育“十三五”規劃教材),2016年8月第一版,化學工業出版社🥺,ISBN🚣🏽♀️🍙:9787122268624
6. 參編著作《餅幹加工技術與實用配方》,2014年8月第一版,化學工業出版社,ISBN🤘:9787122202154